In the orchard there is a place called The Autumn Shade. The trees there are covered in flaming colors of fruit and leaves. There is a long row of yellow ginko trees and small hill of orange pine trees. Red leaves of long grape vines are mounted everywhere. Besides, the soil is covered with leaves in flaming colors.
The ladybug and the elephant are in their afternoon stroll when they get there, and the sun is going down in velvet colors. The two animals are full with melancholia wen they see the twilight in the orange, red, pink, violet, and even blue colors.
"There was a girl who used to play with cello," the Ladybug starts her story. "And she was standing in the autumn shade like this when she is making a decision of her life."

The girl was standing under a tree whose leaves have gone orange. The autumn shade brightened her dark face. Her black eyes had just dried from tears.
She lifted the cello with her two bare hands on the neck. She had to sell a cow, her only cow, to afford the cello -the cheapest she could find in the music store. The cello had bought her back her cow. She even had more cows now than ever, from the money she got by playing the cello. The cello had brought her fame, new friends, experiences . . .the cello had brought her to many parts of the world she would never encounter had she not played it. Fame and fortune, were what the cello had brought her.
She smashed the cello indifferently to the ground. It falls into pieces on the floor or orange, yellow, and red leaves. She broke the bow in two. She threw it on the ground on the pile of the wooden pieces of the cello. She sighed. She turned to her house to start her paintings. The drawings she always kept in mind, where the fear that no one will respect her paintings lay.
However, she knew from the very beginning that what she wants to do is to paint. Not to play cello.
"Silly girl."said the Elephant.
"Oh yes,"said the Ladybug. "But she will be happier. She will grow old and be happy."

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